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Become a FluurMat distributor

As we are expanding to reach new markets, the team behind FluurMat is looking for motivated individuals and businesses to become our sales channels. If you are a local business, partnering with us by offering FluurMat in your inventory can further grow your business and reach new customers – kindergartens, schools and learning centers. Your local business has existing customers, contacts and relationships, and understands the local business culture and practices better.

Get in touch with us for our terms, wholesale prices, and product discounts.

    What is FluurMat?

    FluurMat is a next generation interactive floor for STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics). In short, It is a platform for playing educational and entertainment video games on the floor. Children can interact with the virtual world by the means of movement and game-play in a natural and fluid way. Instead of learning how to interact with a user interface, kids can literally jump into the virtual projection, play and learn in a fun and exiting way. FluurMat is envisioned as an all-in-one platform. You do not need expensive hardware like Virtual Reality headsets or a high-end computer. FluurMat can be mounted on the the ceiling, on a wall or on various aluminum truss constructions. It can even be mounted on completely portable and movable constructions. A number of our games have been designed for entertainment purposes. These make FluurMat an engaging attraction wherever there are lots of children (and adults, of course) . All you need is a floor area and you can turn any place into a play zone. If you were wondering what new and exciting attraction you could offer at malls, shopping centers and kids centers, you’ve got the right place.

    Work with us and help us build a better world for our children! By becoming a distributor, you can add a new and innovative product line to your spectrum, further grow your business, and participate in reshaping the way education is delivered.

    Are you interested already? Let’s get started!

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